Auto Bottom Sleeve
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Auto Bottom Sleeve

Auto Bottom Sleeve Auto Bottom Sleeve Auto Bottom Sleeve

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 Auto bottom Sleeve


 Auto bottom Sleeve are something that every manufacturer needs for their product. These Sleeve are covered from all sides and with a reinforced bottom that can even support heavy objects. These auto bottom Sleeve are a favourite among brands as they are both visually attractive and convenient. makes custom  auto bottom Sleeve that come in a variety of finishes and laminations; from heat stamping to embossing and even gold and silver foiling.


Why choose us? has worked with major international brands and after learning so much and improving our services daily we can safely call ourselves the best in the business. Our state of the art facility mass produces Sleeve that come in all styles and shapes for any kind of product. From tissue Sleeve to golf ball Sleeve, has you covered on all your packaging needs.


What we can do for you?

We want to see you and your company go global. We want to see your products flying off the shelves and it will make us happy knowing we played a helping hand in that. We create high quality Sleeve at affordable rates. While other companies limit themselves we are always on the lookout to make something new and interesting!

Customer Service Information

If you are looking for the printing of custom boxes for your business or personal use and want some unique shapes and custom made boxes then, the boxes printed by us are made right for you.

Our Simple Smart Process





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